Is Protein Powder Better Than Whole Foods?

Protein refers to a molecule found in food, which can break down into amino acids.

Did you know that the process in making protein powder and baby food is very similar if not the same?

Protein and baby food has the same production “technology”. The main raw material in the production of powdered protein, as you may have guessed, is milk. Milk is an amazing product by itself, it has all the essential nutrients that are needed for the growth of a human or animal. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, all this is in the milk, which is why mothers feed their young children milk.

Whey protein is produced from milk and is the most popular and effective product.
It is quickly absorbed by the muscle after a hard workout for the necessary amount of protein.

Another protein that is also separated from the milk, called casein. It is found in the curd. It helps us to sleep, and provide necessary energy while your muscle rests.

So, protein is not a chemical, it is an ordinary powder, which by conventional fermentation process is derived from milk.

So, is the protein: good or bad?

Definitely good. Protein powders are made from natural raw materials in all dairy products around the world. In many countries especially U.S. market protein shakes are marketed not only as post workout drinks but as meal replacement shakes too.

BUT protein shakes are not as good of a source as let’s say grass fed organic red meat. If red meat could be blended and drunk after a workout, sure go for it but not many would find it satisfactory.

Protein powder shakes after a workout is a great way to protect the lean muscle from being used as energy source and help build new muscle.

In conclusion protein shakes have many benefits when used as a pre or post workout meal to provide faster recovery time for muscle and protect already existing muscle. Protein shakes, however, cannot replace a good nutritious fresh meal.

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