Weight Loss Tip #13: Use Nonfat Powdered Milk In Your Coffee

Have you ever felt like your coffee tasted watered down by the skim milk you are putting in it? This is a common problem amongst many, as they do not want to break their diets down by adding rich in calorie creamer, or fatty milk. There is a little trick, and it calls for using low fat powdered milk in your coffee instead of watered down skim milk. Not only will the nonfat powdered milk give you the benefits that skim milk will give you, but it will not water down your coffee in the process! Next time you are making your morning cup of joe try this trick, and reap the benefits in taste! For every ounce of nonfat powdered milk, there is going to be 103 calories. This is much better than those overly loaded and unhealthy coffee creamers!

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