Almased Synergy Review

Almased Synergy Review


Update: Oct 17, 2024

7.2 Out of 10
Almased Synergy Review
Almased Synergy Review
Almased is a meal-replacement powder for weight loss and management, said to be both diabetic-friendly and also good for vegetarians and gluten-avoiders. The Almased formula is designed to boost metabolism and increases energy without stimulants. [1]

Almased Claims

Almased claims that keeping the metabolism active during a reduced-calorie diet will not only help with weight loss, but it claims to “sustain your results once the diet is over and you increase your calorie intake again.” [2]  The thinking is—and this is not revolutionary stuff—when your metabolism is speeded up, as it is during the Almased diet, your body relies on energy from fat, not muscle. Almased claims its high-quality protein helps to also safeguard muscle mass.

You lose the weight that really matters. Since weight loss with Almased is fat loss, you will not only see the number on the scale go down, but also your inches—a true body transformation. [2]

And the claim is that this protein does more than just kick up metabolism and help retain muscle but keeps you feeling full for hours and hours. And, this is big for many people, especially diabetics and people at risk for diabetes: Almased has a very low glycemic index of 27—the lower the glycemic index, the easier it is to keep a healthy, good blood sugar level. And that means less insulin is released. And as we have learned over the course of scores of diet reviews that focus on blood sugar, this also decreases appetite; you feel full (but not uncomfortably so) and without cravings, there’s more fat burning. This all makes sense.   So as they claim, Almased is a “true weight loss and wellness multi-tasker;” you lose some weight, your body gets nutrients it may be lacking, and your blood sugar stays at that sweet spot (pun initially not intended, but it works). [2]

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The Almased Plan

How do you do the Almased diet? In phases. [3] Phase 1 is the Starting Phase, or the fasting phase. This is probably the hardest part. You drink three Almased shakes per day, plus you can have a from-scratch vegetable broth or 100% vegetable juice that has no or very low sodium. And—this is important—you must drink 64 ounces (at least!) of preferably mineral-rich water every day. This phase lasts basically as long as you want it to, but to be safe no more than two weeks tops. Almased says from three to fourteen days. This phase is super important because, as Almased says, “It has been shown that a good initial weight loss at the beginning of a diet is the best prerequisite for success.” [3] Phase 2 is known as the Reduction Phase, which will “lead to a healthy, steady weight reduction.” In this phase it’s two shakes a day and one full meal—preferably at lunch—but you have to watch those carbs, they say, and you must limit snacks between meals and eat fruit in moderation, preferably as part of the shake at breakfast and whole fruit with your meal. You stay on this phase until you reach your goal.   Phase 3 is the Stability Phase, and is really a maintenance phase to ensure long-term success with a slow-paced but continuous small weight loss or goal maintenance. During this phase—which they say should last for several weeks after you reach your goal weight—you have two meals, plus one Almased shake for breakfast or dinner.   Finally, Phase 4 is the Life Phase: Eat three meals a day plus a shake with breakfast in an effort to sustain your increased metabolism after the first three phases. Almased says “you will feel more motivated to be physically active, approaching your daily tasks with renewed vitality.” [3]  The average serving size for one Almased shake is 8 tablespoons but varies from 6 to 10, depending on height, weight and gender. You blend it with 10-12 oz of bottled or filtered water and a teaspoon or two of olive oil, flaxseed oil or walnut oil. You could substitute unsweetened almond milk, soy milk or skim milk for the water, but Almased recommends water for best results. Don’t use hot liquids, which can break down the enzymes in the powder.   Almased shakes are neutral-tasting (ah-hem: see reviews about this statement) so you could consider flavoring them with things like cinnamon, spices, instant coffee powder, cold plain coffee, unsweetened cocoa powder or a drop or two of an extract like vanilla.   And keep in mind that even though many of the Almased recipes on the website call for you to add fruit, you cannot in Phase 1 but you can starting in Phase 2. But only a little,because the natural sugar in fruits can slow weight loss, Almased says.  Buy it online at authorized retailers including CVS, GNC, and Walgreens, and online shopping sites like Amazon. The website also features ‘find a store’ if you want to pick it up today rather than wait for it to be shipped. It’s not cheap: $30 for 10 servings. 

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Almased Ingredients

Almased has at its core three major ingredients that drive this product: non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey fermented together. The formula has no artificial fillers, flavors, added sugars, preservatives or stimulants. Plus it contains vitamins minerals and amino acids. And the nutrients help to improve the immune system and naturally increase metabolism, a process they claim can enhance the renewal of cells.  The soy protein isolate is made from soy proteins that have had fat removed so it contains the most soy protein percentage possible; 90 percent. This is the way you get protein and feel full without carbs and has the amino acids we need.   The skim milk yogurt powder is a protein that helps to build muscle. It contains a lot of calcium and is easy to digest. It also helps the shake thicken up.   Now about those honey enzymes: they are added to create the fermentation and it supposedly helps in digestion. The honey is raw—not processed—so it still has all its vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which work to help aid in healthy digestion. 

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The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Almased

No scientific studies not backed by the company, but the ingredients are solid and there’s plenty of good science about soy proteins and in particular, the dietary phytoestrogens found in high concentrations in soy. Almased, manufactured in Germany, says it’s “supported in over 15 years of scientific research.”   A related study, published in the 2003 Journal of Perinatal Education, says

…soy protein contributed to the control of hyperglycemia and reduced body weight, hyperlipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia. These characteristics may be useful to both nondiabetic and diabetic persons in the control of obesity and blood sugar. [4]

And an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition agrees that there’s potential, but also clarifies that it’s not definitive:

Evidence is emerging that dietary phytoestrogens play a beneficial role in obesity and diabetes. … In animal models of obesity and diabetes, soy protein has been shown to reduce serum insulin and insulin resistance. In studies of human subjects with or without diabetes, soy protein also appears to moderate hyperglycemia and reduce body weight, hyperlipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia, supporting its beneficial effects on obesity and diabetes. However, most of these clinical trials were relatively short and involved a small number of patients. Furthermore, it is not clear whether the beneficial effects of soy protein and flaxseed are due to isoflavones…, or some other component. … Further investigations are needed to evaluate the long-term effects of phytoestrogens on obesity and diabetes mellitus and their associated possible complications. [5]

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Word on the Street on Almased

Almased reviews are, for the most part, positive. For example, more than 2500 reviews on Amazon with an overall rating of 4 stars, which is pretty good considering the number of reviews. In fact, 1320 people rated it a five-star weight loss product. And very few complained of Almased side effects. [6]  “A Cameron” (Amazon, 2017, 5 stars) says go for it:  

If the desire is there, do it! It works! This protein powder really works! I have been using for the past 3 months. I had the hardest time losing the last 15 lbs and this product helped get over the hump. I have been working on my weight loss for a couple of years. It was difficult for me to lose the weight and couldn’t get past the 25 lb goal. I am 62 years old and have hypertension. the doctor asked me to lose 10 additional lbs. Saw this in the doctor’s office reading magazines and I said what the heck. give it a try and I am so glad I did. [7] 

Of the 250 1-star reviews, the overwhelming and vast majority just couldn’t get past the taste, so whether it would work for them or not is unclear. [8]  There’s a review I recommend reading because it covers a two-month span of time with regular updates and is an interesting window into a real person’s progress on this diet.  

Great Way To Lose Belly Fat And Maintain! I have been using Almased on and off for about 6 months now and I have lost belly fat along with walking 3-4 times a week. I do situps and I watch my diet. I have not gained any weight during this process and have lost inches on my body. I highly recommend it to anyone trying to lose belly fat, weight, and inches while maintaining a healthy diet and light exercise…you will truly love the results! I have a shake in the morning and I don’t get hungry I have a light lunch, and healthy dinner. Sometimes I will have a shake for breakfast and lunch and then a sensible dinner. I hope this post helps! [9] 
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The Bottom Line: Is Almased Worth a Try?

Depends.  If you can get past the taste—and the cost—it sounds good to me. And with few reported side effects—save tummy trouble, which for most isn’t a deal-breaker—this might be the meal-replacement drink for you. If you’re into replacing meals with liquids.

7.2 Total Score
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