Atrafen (A.K.A. Atrafen Elite) Review

Atrafen (A.K.A. Atrafen Elite) Review


Update: Jul 16, 2024

6.2 Out of 10
Atrafen (A.K.A. Atrafen Elite) Review
Atrafen (A.K.A. Atrafen Elite) Review
  • Mild side effects
  • Not the most expensive

Atrafen is a diet pill manufactured by the company Nutratech. This supplement is said to be a thermogenic weight loss pill, and it is supposed to suppress your appetite to boost fat loss. Of course, the company promotes quick weight loss within 30 days which does not surprise me at all. Nutratech was founded back in 2006 so it has been around relatively long in the diet pill world, and they have released other weight aid supplements like Ostaflex and Garcinia Plus.

How Does Atrafen Work?

The company says many things about the product, including that the formula is for people who can handle strong metabolic stimulants. That makes me think that this product is based on stimulants. There are a lot of other pills that are the same.

A good way to speed up the metabolism is to put a lot of stimulants into a product. If your metabolism speeds up, you’ll burn more calories. If you are already losing weight through diet and exercise, a faster metabolism will help you lose even more.

But even though stimulants can speed up your metabolism and help you burn more fat, there are other ways to do the same thing that don’t involve stimulants. For even more potent metabolism-boosting alternatives, check out this comprehensive review of top-rated supplements.

One problem with stimulants is that high doses can make some people feel bad, like when some people get the jitters after drinking too much coffee. Another thing to know is that people may get less benefit from stimulants as they get used to taking high doses of them.

If Atrafen Elite does have a lot of stimulants, which seems likely, it might also give you more energy and help you concentrate. People may be able to improve their workouts with that information. It may also keep you from getting tired from your diet.

Appetite suppression is important. It makes it easier for people who want to lose weight because they don’t have to fight hunger all the time. After looking at the ingredients, I don’t think this will be a great product for stopping hunger. If suppressing your appetite is a top priority, you might want to consider more effective alternatives, which you can find reviewed here.

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Atrafen Product Line

Nutratech mainly sells four things. All of these are pretty similar. They mostly use extracts from plants and don’t have any artificial ingredients or stimulants.

All can be bought easily on Amazon or on the company’s website. The first kind of pills are the basic ones, which are shown below.

Another option is AtraFen PM, which is made of different ingredients. Melatonin is included because it is thought to help people sleep.

AtraFen Thermodrops is the third product. This product is a liquid instead of a pill, but the style and choice of ingredients are the same.

Orlistol, which is also a supplement, is the last one. The ads for this one say that it can stop fat and carbs from being absorbed and stored. It is also marketed as a replacement for Orlistat/Xenical.

I’ve also seen products like AtraFen Elite, AtraFen Pro-3, and Nutratech Ultra Cleanse from time to time. Most of this review is about the main product, AtraFen. Recently, these supplements have become very popular, and a lot of people want to know if they work.

Even with all of these items, many of the conclusions will still be true for all of them. Since they are both made by the same company and have similar ingredients, they are probably pretty similar.

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AtraFen Ingredients

To find out if AtraFen really helps people lose weight, we need to look at what’s in it and what research says. Here’s what you need:

Raspberry Ketones

First off, raspberry ketones don’t come from raspberries. They are made in a lab because it would be too expensive to get them from nature. Even though it’s called “Keto,” the supplement has nothing to do with the ketosis diet, as Perfect Keto explains.

The way raspberry ketones are made is what makes them important. This is like synephrine and capsaicin, which can both speed up the body’s metabolism. If you are specifically looking for products to boost your metabolism even more efficiently, check out our selection of top-rated metabolism boosters here.

There is some evidence that raspberry ketones can have the same effects. The compounds may also raise the level of a hormone called adiponectin, which may help people lose weight and protect them from becoming obese.

But only research on animals has been done so far. In most studies, very high doses have also been used. Those doses may not even be safe in the long run, and they are much higher than what Atrafen offers.

The main study on people looked at a mix of ingredients, one of which was caffeine. The weight loss could have been caused by any of these.

If you want to know more about raspberry ketones and where research is at the moment, you can read the article on

African Mango Extract

One study from 2005 is the main reason why people are interested in African mango extract. It was found that people who were overweight and took the supplement lost more weight. But the study was small and had some flaws.

Also, the dose was 1.05 grams three times a day. That’s a lot more African mango extract than you’d find in AtraFen.

A second study also found that weight loss helps. This time, participants who were overweight or obese took only 150 mg twice a day.

The studies aren’t enough to show a link, especially for people who only need to lose a little bit of weight. says that the studies were also not very good. Many had big problems that made it hard to draw conclusions from them.

Also, it’s not clear how much African mango extract you actually get from AtraFen.

Acai Fruit

Most people know acai as a source of antioxidants, not as a way to lose weight.

There haven’t been many studies on how to lose weight, and most of them haven’t shown anything.

Green tea

People often say that green tea extract can help you lose weight, and there is some evidence to back this up. Most of the health benefits come from caffeine and the chemical EGCG. This helps make more norepinephrine, which speeds up the breakdown of fat.

Research also shows that green tea can speed up your metabolism and help you burn more fat. But it’s not clear how much green tea changes how much weight you actually lose.

Research also shows that green tea can speed up your metabolism and help you burn more fat. But it’s not clear how much green tea changes how much weight you actually lose. If you’re seeking an effective alternative, check out our comprehensive guide on the best pills for weight loss.

Most supplements have about 50% EGCG. That suggests you may need close to a gram of green tea extract to see fat burning impacts. Even then, the results are very uncertain.

I’d always take green tea instead of a green tea supplement because tea is usually good for you in other ways. A single 600 mg AtraFen capsule won’t have a lot of green tea extract either.

Any way you look at it, it’s clear that the green tea extract in AtraFen will have a small effect, if any at all.


Resveratrol is a chemical that you can find in both red wine and grape juice. Research suggests that it might speed up the metabolism and help move fat around, which could help people lose weight. Resveratrol could also help keep blood sugar steady.

Again, though, most of the research has been done on animals, not people. Not many studies have been done either.

Caffeine Anhydrous

This ingredient is just caffeine, and it is well known that caffeine helps people lose weight. One reason is that caffeine is a stimulant, which speeds up the body’s metabolism.

Some people find that caffeine makes them feel less hungry, which helps them eat less.

But the truth is that we don’t lack places to get caffeine. Many of us drink coffee every day, and some may even take supplements with caffeine. So, caffeine might be helpful, but it’s not a great selling point.

Apple Cider Vinegar (powder)

In the past, apple cider vinegar has been linked to weight loss, but it’s not usually used as a powder. Instead, it is often taken as a shot or mixed into a healthy drink.

Using apple cider vinegar to control blood sugar levels is the best proof of this.

Even so, there isn’t much research. Apple cider vinegar could be useful in this area, but there isn’t enough proof yet.

As with green tea, I think you’d get more benefits from using vinegar itself rather than a supplement that contains it.


Kelp is popular in part because it contains a single compound that may make it harder for the body to absorb fat (30). Even though the possibility is there, this doesn’t mean that kelp or AtraFen give you enough of the compound.

Kelp is a good source of nutrients, including iodine. Because of this, it could help people stay healthy and lose weight. Even so, AtraFen is not likely to have many effects, since kelp is only one of its ingredients.

Spirulina would be a good choice instead. This is algae, not kelp, but it has many of the same health benefits and is also rich in nutrients.

Grapefruit (powder)

People often think of grapefruit as a good way to lose weight, especially when eaten first thing in the morning.

This may be due in part to an enzyme that helps people lose weight. But there isn’t much research on this, and it looks like grapefruit juice or whole grapefruits are better for you than the powder.

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How To Take AtraFen

Typically, you take one capsule twice a day. People who want to gain as much weight as possible can choose to take three doses per day. Taking Atrafen Elite 30 minutes before meals is the best time.

Nutratech Health doesn’t say why diet and exercise are important, but it should. A low-calorie diet is the most important part of any plan to lose weight. When your health allows it, getting more exercise is also very helpful.

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Is Atrafen Safe?

The ingredient list is rather clean with this diet pill, and it surprised me to say the least. The name of this diet supplement does not appear to have natural ingredients inside, so it threw me for a loop. Once looking into each ingredient it is clear this product is loaded with a few different styles of caffeine, as well as body cleansers such as apple cider vinegar.

African Mango has been said to help with appetite control thus resulting in some fat loss. It has the power to speed up the metabolism and block the build up of unwanted fat in problem areas. However, if you are looking to significantly increase your metabolism, there are other products that outperform Atrafen in this regard. Check out this page for top-rated metabolism-boosting supplements. The raspberry ketones found in this supplement are likely not natural, but rather artificially manufactured.

It has been said to help the body burn fat and elevate natural ketone blood levels, but it takes a lot of this natural substance for it to actually work its magic. In a nutshell, there are no harmful ingredients but you will want to watch out for the grapefruit powder if you are taking certain medications, because it can interfere with certain medications. General side effects noted after taking this supplement are: Headaches, upset stomach, and nausea.

This is not a dangerous product, but if you take certain medications, clear it with your doctor first because grapefruit powder has been said to neutralize certain medications effectiveness.

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Positive Reviews

Some places, like Amazon, have a very high average rating, which means that most people gave it a high rating. There are actually more than 2,000 verified 5-star reviews, which is a huge deal.

Even though not all of them say whether the person gained or lost weight, many of them sound real. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

But we can’t trust the answers. Instead, the company gives a free bottle to anyone who buys through Amazon and then leaves a 5-star review (as one person points out). Because of this, most of the 5-star reviews are from real buyers.

Some customers also leave reviews as soon as they get their first bottle, so they don’t know if the pills work or not.

Review Meta shows how many customers use the same language and how most of them don’t usually leave reviews on Amazon. That pattern is very, very strange. People who give honest reviews usually do so for most of the things they buy, not just one.

Some of these good reviews are probably completely true. Even so, there’s no way to know what information is true. This means that you can’t believe what people say about AtraFen on Amazon.

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Negative Reviews

If most of the comments about AltraFen were positive, the Amazon distribution would be more likely to be true. But that isn’t true.

Instead, many sites give supplements low ratings, which makes it seem like they don’t work at all. For example, Diets in Review gives the supplement a score of 2 out of 5 from their experts, but only 36% of their users give it a high score. It also gets a bad rating from the site Diet Pills Watchdog.

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Pros and Cons of Atrafen

This is a pretty even race with pros and cons regarding the diet pill Atrafen. It is not the most expensive diet pill on the market, which is a nice pro. Also, the side effects are very mild in comparison to others out there today.

The price point is also very average so the customer shouldn’t feel too ripped off if they do not see results right away. A con comes down to their 30 day unused and unopened policy. Once you buy this product, there is no getting your money back so you will be taking a risk. This tells me the company really does not stand by the effectiveness of the diet pill.

The company also has spotty customer service, which is no real surprise. So when you purchase the product from the main website, you are on your own if you have any questions or problems. Weight loss has not been that great from those users who have actually taken a risk with it. A last con is simply the fact that no one sells Atrafen except the company’s main website.

This product is pretty meek. There is a bad return policy, and little to no customer service. The pros are the price point, and the ingredients for the most part.

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Does Atrafen Work?

If you don’t have a problem with stimulants, Atrafen may help you lose weight faster than diet and exercise alone. It might also work as a pre-workout supplement, but there are better ones that are made for that purpose. To explore some more potent pre-workout options, take a look at this comprehensive review page.

But if you know that hunger is one of your biggest flaws and that it holds you back and keeps you from losing weight, Atrafen is probably not the best diet pill for you. I think you should choose a better product instead. The best use for Atrafen is probably as a metabolism booster and fat burner, but it’s not a good choice for people who can’t handle a product with a lot of stimulants.

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There is a 30-day money-back guarantee on Atrafen. That’s not very long, and the guarantee starts on the day you buy it. Before you buy this item, you should know that.

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Bottom Line: Is AtraFen a Rip-Off or Worth to Try?

AtraFen does make some bold claims, but I remain skeptical. Considering the steep price tag and lack of evidence supporting its effectiveness, there are better alternatives reviewed on our site that could offer more value for money.

If you already eat well but want a little extra, AtraFen might help. But the results won’t be as great as the reviews say they will be.

Most people would be better off if they lived a healthy life. I know that this advice is often given, but it is still true. Diet pills just don’t work in the long run, and their effects are never very noticeable.

On the other hand, the ketosis diet helps a lot of people lose a lot of weight. In fact, this diet works a lot of the time when others don’t. One reason is that you can still make great meals and the diet doesn’t feel like it’s limiting you. You can even eat a lot of the things that other diets don’t let you.

For a deeper dive into this topic, check out our article, “Decoding the Ketosis Diet.” In it, we discuss some of the best strategies, tools, and resources to assist both beginners and seasoned dieters. Moreover, we highlight alternatives that can further boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

6.2 Total Score
Atrafen Scorecard

  • Mild side effects
  • Not the most expensive
  • Only 30 day return policy
  • Spotty customer service
  • Reported weight loss has not been very good
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