Bouari Clinic Diet Review

Bouari Clinic Diet Review


Update: Aug 08, 2019

The Bouari Clinic Diet is based on the franchise by the same name. There are many locations of the Bouari Clinic across North America, and each clinic adheres to the principles of the original clinic started by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons.

The Bouari Clinic Diet is one that uses HCG injections and oral sprays as its mainstay for weight loss. When followed properly, the Bouari Clinic Diet promised unheard of weight loss in only 60 days. In fact, there are many testimonials of individuals who lost large amounts in such a short time. According to Dr. Simeons, the secret is in the specialized injections and sprays.* The HCG is said to target fat and therefore helps it to virtually melt away.

Do Dieters Lose Weight On The Bouari Clinic Diet?

If a dieter follows the Bouari Clinic Diet, there is no doubt they will lose weight.* However, it should be noted that the diet calls for an extremely low caloric intake of around 500 per day. So, the unheard of weight loss is likely coming from an almost total depletion of calories, as opposed to the HCG injections and sprays.*

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Is The Bouari Clinic Diet Easy To Follow?

The Bouari Clinic Diet is almost impossible to follow. The human body was simply not meant to survive on so few calories throughout the day, and cravings to the point of ache will likely be a normal daily event with the Bouari Clinic Diet.*

In addition, anyone who is used to working out, even moderately, will not be able to successfully do the Bouari Clinic Diet. 500 calories is questionable as far as being enough for even everyday function, and any exercise would likely be too much stress for the body to handle.*

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The first problem with the Bouari Clinic Diet is that it is hard to determine how much the program itself will cost. While there is mention that individuals should call for a free consultation, there is no doubt that this type of “specialized” clinical diet will likely cost a pretty penny. Costs aside, the diet itself is just not safe. 500 calories a day is not enough as far as a human body is concerned. With the average person consuming 2000 or more calories in a day, cutting back to such a low level can be downright dangerous to your health and well being.

Unfortunately, the Bouari Clinic Diet is like the many other HCG diets out there today – they are all nothing more than a fad, but they are a fad that could prove extremely risky.

1 Comment
  1. The Bouari Clinic diet does usually produce good short term weight loss for those who can follow the strict diet. The trick with many of these diets is that in order to maintain weight loss it is necessary to change your lifestyle eating habits. I was able to hold the weight loss for about 6 months but caved after that. The franchise itself has many faults and the corporate office is not honest.

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