Green Smoothies For Life Review

Green Smoothies For Life Review


Update: Jul 16, 2024

9.5 Out of 10
Green Smoothies For Life Review
Green Smoothies For Life Review

Green Smoothies for Life written by JJ Smith at first glance seems to scream all things “green”, but it really goes deeper than just the simple color. There are many times we get stuck in our mundane cycle of drinking the same smoothies. Trying new flavors can be daunting, and most of the time it can be somewhat of a letdown. This book is a weight loss plan that incorporates healthy eating as well as new green smoothie ideas. JJ Smith is a certified nutritionist and weight loss expert. This book was written to help its readers lose inches and feel healthier.

How Does the Green Smoothies For Life Diet Book Work?

This particular diet program lasts for 30 days, and it can be used in addition to Smith’s other book the 10 Day Smoothie Cleanse. Please do note that these are not the same book or program! There are different methods for detox in the book. Instruction on how to learn to cook healthy and nutritious meals is provided as well. The hard part about this book is reading through it, understanding it, and the executing its instructions. Learning to cook is not easy, especially when you are reading instructions and not learning from someone.

The Bottom Line
In a nutshell the program gives the reader healthy recipes to try, many of which people have said are really good! It also gives ideas on how to flavor your food in a healthy way, and gives ideas on how to detox too. It goes for 30 days, but it is more of a lifestyle change, rather than a program you do for a short period of time.
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Pros and Cons of the Green Smoothies For Life Diet Book

First of all, the cost of the book is cheap! It only costs $15.99. Many people liked how simple the book was to follow and how easy it was to understand. The program itself with all of the different groceries you are required to purchase is an entirely different story!

One dieter said,

“I set out to buy the ingredients for the first five days. Luckily the cleanse includes a shopping list because I would be close to hopeless without one. Finding all the vegetables and frozen fruits was fun, but 70 dollars? I almost cringed as I used up my weeks’ worth of grocery funds.” [1]

This is really one of the major cons involved with the program, but on the flip side the food you will be purchasing is healthy and worth the additional cost. Others said they really liked how easy the book was to understand, and how god the recipes were. [2] The author calls this book a lifestyle changer, not a quick fix!

The Bottom Line
The book itself is cheap, but the groceries you will be buying for the diet are not cheap. Expect to spend your money in this area. Those who have purchased this diet book have been pleased. Many commented on how great the recipes were and how nice the shopping lists were.
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This is a simple, and easy to read book that will require you to grocery shop! If you are wanting to learn about new green smoothie recipes, as well as other healthy recipes to kick start your weight loss, then this might be the right book for you to purchase. It does not over promise results (which is a strong positive) but it does encourage the dieter to start reading the book in hopes that they will permanently change their lifestyle. For a small cost (minus the actual groceries) this book is a safe investment if you are looking for an easy to digest book full of tasty recipes to both drink and eat. The readers who have purchased this book had great things to say about it, and there were rarely any negative reviews which was relieving to see!

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