Obesitrol Diet Review
By CANDICE GREY ConsumersCompare.org Update: Jul 10, 2024 |
Their website is informational and offers both a chat and phone system for support. I utilized both, and was talking to a real person in a matter of seconds. The up front support the company offers is much better than most diet pills similar to Obesitrol. To chat with the company click here, and their phone number is 866-797-8375. To contact them by e-mail is it simply, support@obesitrol.com. They offer a tiny 90-day money back guarantee, which is not great but it is better than the awful 30-day option that is normally offered!
The Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia (60% Hydroxycitric Acid), Green Tea (50% Polyphenol), Purple Tea with GHG, Natural Caffeine, Theobromine, and Higenamine.
Do Dieters Lose Weight With Obesitrol?
There is no hiding the truth that comes from the customers who have purchased and tried the diet pill for themselves. Sadly, this product got a staggering amount of bad reviews over the good, which is sad news for Obesitrol. Dieters are not losing a lot of weight with this product. When I was chatting with one of the customer service reps, I asked about side effects and he said: “There have been no reported long term side effects. Possible temporary side effects may include head/stomach ache due to sensitivity to one of the ingredients or sensitivity to caffeine. There is less caffeine in one capsule than there is in a cup of coffee.”* Many of the users didn’t report any side effects at all, because the diet pill was literally doing nothing for them, which is almost worse!
“Have been taking this for a week as directed, and have not lost a pound” says Oceanside*. “I exercise daily, 5 days a week, and eat pretty healthy and moderately so expected some results, so am so far disappointed with this. The user then went on to say that they would continue taking the supplement because they bought the one-month’s supply and did not want to see it go to waste. They are hoping for some results.
Tommy J. Pawilkowski* said that he took this diet pill for one month and actually gained 5 pounds in the process. “Terrible product, it gave me a small of energy, but I wanted to eat everything I could find.”
June V.* was adamant that this diet solution was not a solution at all, and to save your money. “IT S WORTHLESS! IT DIDN’T WORK FOR ME! ONLY GAVE ME JITTERS! IT S NON-EFFECTIVE! SAVE YOUR MONEY! I WILL NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT TO ANYONE AT ALL!”
I was disappointed with this product. I am active work out 4 to 5 times a week and have been trying to loose my last 10 lbs. that don’t seem to want to come off no matter what I try therefore I was looking into a product that would help me with that”, says M Martinez*. Martinez then went on to explain that aside from the negative reviews she wanted to give it a shot anyways, because everyone’s bodies are truly different. Even though hopeful, no weight was seen lost and there was a slight energy boost that she felt. Otherwise, she would not recommend this product to anyone and will not be purchasing again.
back to menu ↑Is Obesitrol Easy To Follow?
The instructions on the bottle say that you should take one capsule in the morning before breakfast if you can tolerate it, and then if you can tolerate it you should take another making it two servings before breakfast. I have never read anything this interesting about testing your tolerance levels out before upping the dosage in the morning. It is also required that you drink a lot of water when taking Obesitrol in the morning, as it can cause dehydration throughout the day. The pill is supposed to also help with bloat and loss of water weight, so I can see why they are pushing the consumer to drink more water.
Right on the front of the website they state, “When it comes to your health you want a product backed by solid scientific evidence. Accept nothing else.”* They go on to explain a clinical study that was done to explain why ingesting more caffeine will help you in your weight loss journey. “In clinical research, it was shown that caffeine was the ability to trigger thermogenesis and fat oxidation. In clinical trials, weight loss among high caffeine intake groups was higher than those in the low caffeine intake groups during very low energy diet (VLED).” I don’t know about you, but this clinical study is far from impressive and caffeine does not cause weight loss is many instances due to the side effects it can bring on with sensitive people.
back to menu ↑Conclusion
Obesitrol does and says all the right things to make you believe they are an honest company, with an effective diet pill. Sadly, when you look at the actuals of this diet pill it does little to nothing for weight loss in the short term or long term. With their little 90-day money back guarantee and no social media websites for extra support you are on your own regarding actually losing weight and having help along the way after purchase. The effectiveness of Obesitrol is weak, and dieters just simply are not losing weight with its formula, but I do applaud the company for being available for the potential customer.