Paleo Diet Review
By CANDICE GREY Update: Jul 10, 2024 |
Paleo Diet Overview
The name gives it away. The Paleo Diet is based on what prehistoric hunter-gatherer humans ate during the Paleolithic era, which began likely more than 2.5 million years ago, until the Pleistocene era, around 10,000 years ago. In his book The Paleo Diet, first published in 2002, Loren Cordain went with the 10,000 year mark, which also happens to coincide with the approximate time in history when humans did more than kill animals and forage, but began farming. [1]
So the diet then doesn’t just include prehistoric foods—meats from hunted land and sea mammals, foraged food like berries, nuts and seeds, and fruits from fruit-bearing vegetation—but includes foods that are cultivated, like modern-era vegetables found in the Almond-Lime Kale Salad recipe. By way of example, the aforementioned almond originally was wild and contained a substance that converts to cyanide; wild almonds were poison. Early farmers found a mutation and produced the almonds we eat today—ones that won’t kill us. [2] [3] [4]
In any event, perhaps the diet should be called the Pleistocene diet. Doesn’t have the same ring to it, though does it? Let’s take a closer look to see what Cordain came up with and why The Paleo Diet became so popular.
back to menu ↑The Paleo Diet Claims
Cordain, a health and science professor emeritus at Colorado State University, spent two decades researching “the evolutionary and anthropological” human diet and is described on The Paleo Diet website as “the world’s leading expert on Paleolithic diets.” [5] His books include The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet Cookbook.
To start, and just to be clear, quite a bit of the content on The Paleo Diet website is sponsored, so while I will be sourcing the site, it’s possible that some content may have been curated by The Paleo Diet website and incorporated. But, straight from the Premise section of the website, The Paleo Diet is described as being based on “modern foods that mimic foods of pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors.” [6] [7]
(Jumping in here for a moment; the diet does include post-agricultural foods which we’ll see shortly.)
Cordain says the 7 “fundamental characteristics of hunter-gatherer diets will help to optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease, and lose weight.” [7]
Those fundamentals are:
- a high protein intake of twice the average of a modern diet, so up to 35 percent of the hunter-gatherer diets was animal product and hence comprise the “staple foods” of Paleo diets;
- non-starchy low-glycemic fruits and vegetables (digested and absorbed slowly; won’t spike blood sugar levels) are the primary carb source, providing up to 45 percent of your daily calories;
- high fiber intake is key, but in The Paleo Diet you’re not permitted to get that fiber from whole grains; rather, it must come from the above non-starchy fruits and vegetables;
- no trans fats—that’s good; they will kill us—rather, healthy monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats “that were the mainstays of Stone Age diets;”
- more potassium and less sodium (also sounds good). [7]
Unprocessed, fresh foods naturally contain 5 to 10 times more potassium than sodium, and Stone Age bodies were adapted to this ratio. Potassium is necessary for the heart, kidneys, and other organs to work properly. Low potassium is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke – the same problems linked to excessive dietary sodium. Today, the average American consumes about twice as much sodium as potassium. [7] (emphasis added)
But here’s where I get confused. Cordain says:
After digestion, all foods present either a net acid or alkaline load to the kidneys. Acid producers are meats, fish, grains, legumes, cheese, and salt. Alkaline-yielding foods are fruits and veggies. A lifetime of excessive dietary acid may promote bone and muscle loss, high blood pressure, and increased risk for kidney stones, and may aggravate asthma and exercise-induced asthma.[7]
Okay then, I am wondering, why all the meat in this diet?
And finally, we need more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Cordain says whole grains are “not a good substitute for grass produced or free ranging meats, fruits, and veggies, as they contain no vitamin C, vitamin A, or vitamin B12. Many of the minerals and some of the B vitamins whole grains do contain are not well absorbed by the body.” [7]
So that’s the idea.
On The Paleo Diet you eat lots of protein, get your carbs from vegetables and fruits, and your healthy fats from seeds and nuts (except peanuts.) And when you eat like prehistoric humans, Cordain claims, not only will you be healthier, but you will lose weight by cutting carbs when you stop eating all grains. You are also prohibited from eating legumes—largely because they are farmed, apparently. You cannot eat dairy. You cannot eat refined or processed foods (which makes sense) and no salt (okay with that, too).
The Paleo Diet claims it’s the “world’s healthiest,” because, Cordain says, it’s the diet we are genetically adapted to eat. Some science calls that bunk, though, since we have evolved in the last couple of million years.
On The Paleo Diet, the site claims, you may reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and most chronic degenerative diseases; lose weight; improve athletic performance; slow (or reverse) the progression of an autoimmune disease; clear your skin; sleep better and have better sex; and overall, have improved mental clarity and a longer, healthier and more active life. [8]
That’s what it claims. Wow.
So what does a day of eating on The Paleo Diet look like?
From the website, this is a suggested menu:
- For breakfast, have Omega-3, free range scrambled eggs cooked in olive oil and topped with parsley, fresh fruit and herbal tea;
- For a mid-morning snack, slices of beef (grass-fed, organic and lean; so not from your discount grocer) and fruit;
- Lunch is a Caesar salad with chicken and lemon and olive oil dressing and herbal tea;
- Your afternoon snack is apple slices and raw walnuts;
- And dinner is sliced tomatoes and avocado, turkey, lots of veggies (broccoli, carrots and artichokes), and a bowlful of blueberries, raisins and almonds for dessert—all washed down with mineral water or, a glass of white wine.
Whoa! Wait. Yes, as I have already suggested, some (a lot) of what is on this diet certainly was not only not forageable during the Paleolithic era but didn’t even exist, like wine.
Here’s why you can have it: Cordain’s “15/85” rule:
…built into The Paleo Diet is the 85:15 rule which allows people to consume 3 open meals per week, so that they don’t have to forgo favorite foods forever. A little bit of cheating is a good thing if in the long run it behaviorally helps people to stick to the diet in the long run. If you want to go out with friends on a Friday night and have pizza and beer, then do so and enjoy, however don’t make this a regular habit. [9]
That’s fair.
I’ve read people are curious if there are supplements or special foods to buy from The Paleo Diet website. Yes, there are ‘products’ you may purchase on the website store [10] but are largely Cordain’s own books and papers. That said, The Paleo Diet does permit—and one can only assume receives a cut of sales—Paleo Diet-approved foods and products by other companies, like [11] The Paleo Diet food and beverage store philosophy is simply this:
back to menu ↑For some people, buying Paleo-labeled products can help to stay compliant with the diet. Consequently, here at we want to help you decide if a product is something you should to add to your grocery list. [12]
The Paleo Diet Meal Plan
What does a Paleo Diet meal plan include? You eat meat (and animal products), fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and “healthful” oils like olive and walnut, for example. (I’m going to bring the subject of oils up again in my Bottom Line.) Oh, and eggs. [13]
About eggs: Stone Age humans likely found and ate wild bird eggs, but it wasn’t until 6000 or 7000 BC that chickens were domesticated and eggs “farmed” [14] rather than being found in the wild. Here’s an example of this diet being not quite all Paleo and rather a touch Pleistocene.
And about fruits and vegetables: fruits were likely a more common part of the Stone Age diet, as were starches (like fruits) in the Neanderthal diet. In fact, some 800,000 years ago folks were enjoying wild pears and even plums. [15]
But vegetables? That’s another story. Many Paleo recipes include vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. None of these existed in the way we know them now, but their ancient ancestor the brassica species was purposely agriculturally evolved into scores of leafy greens and cabbage-family vegetables of the modern world. So in theory, I suppose, if prehistoric humans located this wild species and fed upon it, it certainly has the lineage—though not the variety—of so many vegetables found throughout the world, since farming and agriculture began in the Pleistocene era. Just saying. [16]
The Mayo Clinic has a concern about the ingredients in the diet; or lack of ingredients might be a more accurate way of expressing its sentiment.
back to menu ↑“The primary difference between the paleo diet and other healthy diets is the absence of whole grains and legumes, which are considered good sources of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients. Also absent from the diet are dairy products, which are good sources of protein and calcium.” [17]
The Science Behind the Paleo Diet
On the website, there is a list of almost 100 scientific articles that purport to back up the premise behind The Paleo Diet. I scoured through it. You should too if this diet is of interest to you. Much of the science cited is related indirectly and not specifically to the actual Paleo Diet, but you catch the drift. [18]
I don’t use research posted on a diet’s website as proof; I do my own searches.
New York University’s (NYU) Marion Nestle, a molecular biologist, wrote a fair—albeit critical—paper called “Paleolithic Diets: a Skeptical View,” in 2015 where she challenges Cordain’s assumptions and conclusions that support his books and diet with study (based on a handful of ‘modern’ groups of hunter gatherers including Arctic and African tribes. Nestle says,
…knowledge of the relative proportions of animal and plant foods in the diets of early humans is circumstantial, incomplete, and debatable and there are insufficient data to identify the composition of a genetically determined optimal diet. The evidence related to Paleolithic diets is best interpreted as supporting the idea that diets based largely on plant foods promote health and longevity, at least under conditions of food abundance and physical activity.” [19]
Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at NYU.
Bill Nye the Science Guy has a popular Netflix original series, Bill Nye Saves the World, where in a recent episode he dismissed fad diets; in particular, The Paleo Diet. “This meat, fruit and nuts thing,” he called it. “A lot of these fad diets are chasing trends, but not health,” Nye says. Vegans were thrilled. Paleo aficionados, not so much. [20]
Perhaps Nye is too casual, kitschy; too-TV.
The Mayo Clinic says researchers disagree about The Paleo Diet’s premise, arguing the diet “may oversimplify the story of how humans adapted to changes in diet.” Mayo says one would need to look at the variations in diet from one part of the globe to the other—the climate, what grew, and what roamed. And, the Mayo Clinic says,
Archaeological research has demonstrated that early human diets may have included wild grains as much as 30,000 years ago—well before the introduction of farming. … Genetic research has shown that notable evolutionary changes continued after the Paleolithic era, including diet-related changes, such as an increase in the number of genes related to the breakdown of dietary starches. [21]
An article published in 2013 on Scientific American magazine’s website makes no bones about its disdain for the science of Cordain’s Paleo Diet, calling it “half-baked.”
We are not biologically identical to our Paleolithic predecessors, nor do we have access to the foods they ate. And deducing dietary guidelines from modern foraging societies is difficult because they vary so much by geography, season and opportunity. [22]
back to menu ↑Word on the Street About The Paleo Diet
On Amazon, there are several of Cordain’s paleo diet-related books. I decided to go with the original, though this is a 2010 edition with what I assume are some revisions. With more than 800 reviews and an average of 4.3 stars, it appears readers, and dieters, are fans. Big fans. Nearly 70 percent of the reviews were 4-star or better. Very impressive results. [23]
“Earthian” (Jul 2017, 5 stars) says it’s an “excellent primer on returning your body to health.”
“Sporty” (Mar 2017, 5 stars) says simply, “Not just a diet; it’s about nutrition.”
My favorite review is this one from “Rob J” (Mar 2017, 5 stars), who admitted, “I’m still fat but this is a good book.” [26]
An interesting review from “G. Jones” (Jul 2017, 5 stars) reads more like a Paleo-as-medicine review than a diet one. Also, “G. Jones” has quite the political agenda, but all that said, The Paleo Diet worked for Jones:
Followed this diet, lost 15 pound, back to my high school weight. My weekly migraines stopped. My 20 year back pain from herniated disk, tennis elbow and old motorcycle accident knee injury all stopped hurting. All I have to do is eat a pizza or sandwich if I want the pain back. Also I generally feel better and have more energy. It is not easy because pizza and chips and salsa and deli sandwiches all taste great, but it is worth it and not that hard to make the food amazing choices.
Oh and I have three kids. One had ADD, another migraines and two bad acne, on this diet all cleared up.
To get political for just a minute. If you read this and watch movies like ‘Corn King’, and ‘In Defense of Food’ you will find that corn is a major source of the heath issues in our country, yet the government subsidizes the growing of corn, leading to 30 percent of Americans being diabetic or pre-diabetic causing healthcare costs to skyrocket and now they what to fix health care; how about stop paying farmers to grow poison and direct them toward growing Paleo-friendly foods.
Try this for 6 months hard-core and notice your ailments fade. Like I said, if I want a headache, I just need to eat a pizza or drink a beer.
Oh, one other thing, don’t (fall) for the masses of “gluten free” junk food like cookies, etc. These are just made of corn instead of wheat and are not paleo. Sorry but all cookies are junk food. Eat real food, you will be amazed. [27] (paragraph breaks added for clarity)
But “Anna” (Jul 2015, 1 star) called it bunk; “misleading and scientifically incorrect.” [28]
Like Anna’s, there were a number of very critical reviews about Cordain’s premise. Some were pretty benign and others positively brutal—like the review by “Robert M. Yanetta” (Sep 2013, 1 star):
Is The Paleo Diet Worth a Try?
Risky (mid to high risk). Many researchers have called “foul” on The Paleo Diet. Although Cordain has plenty of his own science (and his curriculum vitae is impressive) to back up his premise. [30]
And The Paleo Diet does get some stuff right; I agree about the no-processed foods rule. That makes sense.
But this diet is the antithesis of the heart-healthy Mediterranean Diet, for example, which limits meats and emphasizes vegetables, whole grains, legumes, healthy oils and fats. The amount of meat consumed in The Paleo Diet is a bridge too far for me and cutting out incredibly healthy whole grains—like barley, quinoa, buckwheat, and the newly discovered by me and now favorite freekha—leaves a gaping hole in the nutrition. Plus no legumes! What? No black beans? Black beans are a great and powerful food, providing anthocyanin. Puleeze. And no lentils? They are a cancer-fighting food. Wait! No garbanzo beans? They balance your sugar levels. Come on.
One other note: I’d bet the ranch that Paleolithic humans did not have tools to cold-press olive oil or create other beautiful oils like walnut, flaxseed and coconut. I know, I know; some say don’t take it literally. But that’s exactly what Cordain wants us to do: take it literally.
Plus, The Paleo Diet is not cheap: Omega-3, free-range eggs are four times the cost or regular eggs, organic fresh fruit is pricey, and certainly grass-fed meats are more expensive. That said, if I fed my family beef (I don’t), I suppose grass-fed would be a better choice than plastic-wrapped plain old USDA-inspected.
Finally, if you are still on the fence about The Paleo Diet, reading the Scientific American article I referenced may help you decide. I’d already made up my mind, but there’s a certain clarity that comes after reading what science has to say.
I love science. But this diet? Not so much.
I don’t know how the idea got passed around that a Paleo diet is excessively high in animal protein. It isn’t, and it doesn’t need to be. You do need to be able to cook from scratch (since most processed foods aren’t considered acceptable), and you do need to eliminate or drastically limit grain products and sugars. Neither contain much in the way of nutrients, both are somewhat addictive, and both will pack on the weight like there’s no tomorrow (Just cut out the grains if you want to get rid of that belly pooch.)
Plenty of nutrient-dense vegetables and a moderate amount of fruit play a large part in a Paleo diet. There’s nothing at all wrong with that. So do healthy fats, but fat consumption doesn’t need to be excessive–just healthier choices. Legumes are a matter of personal choice (unless one believes in following a diet to the letter) but are best limited if they are troublesome, as they are for many people.
The Paleo diet is considerably less about the Paleolithic era than it is about eating closer to nature (versus following the Standard American Diet, or SAD). There’s nothing wrong with that either. You shouldn’t knock Paleo if you haven’t tried it, and you should at least attempt to know what you’re spouting off about. (You don’t.)
I’m 54yrs old and extremely active (skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding like I’m 20). I have been on the paleo diet for about 5 years. The main difficulty I have is keeping sugar from sneaking back in. From time to time I have to re-induct (go two or three weeks sugar free) because I don’t pay close attention to sugar content in, for example salad dressing, if I switch brands.
The main thing I wish to convey here is strict adherence is NOT necessary.
A good example would be, I eat 2ozs of home made chocolate almond clusters (75% chocolate and raw almonds) daily. That’s two giant cookie sized clusters.
It’s OK to dine out once or twice a month, just don’t break your fasting period with sugary or processed foods.
If you blow it big and eat a dozen donuts or something you may have to fast for 6-8hrs immediately after.
The induction period can be tough, but the irritability, nausea, ext., passes in a week or two.
Once properly inducted you will find it easy to skip meals and all you will taste when eating candy is the sugar (a Hershey bar to me tastes like sweet wax). You will therefore appreciate fruit and dark chocolate a lot more.
I did the Paleo Diet only for 30 days and I hate myself for not staying with it. I felt better then ever when I was on it and I plan doing it again yes I only lost 3 pounds in 30 days, but it’s 3 pounds I work hard to lose and that 3 pounds made me feel better then I have ever felt in years, then on the the other diets. You also it a lifestyle change not a diet, yes it a hard and costly lifestyle change, but it is well worth it, in the long run. I if I could sleep all day, I would, but with this lifestyle change. I was up at the crack of dawn, go work out, spend more with me kids, spend more time with me hubby, and in bed before 9pm, before I would hide in my room away from everything and everyone. This lifestyle change help me feel better and made feel like living.
I’ve been following the Paleo diet since March of 2013 and it’s now June 2014, I’ve lost 40 pounds, I’m off of acid reducers, my cholesterol numbers are very good, I feel better and I’ve maintained my weight. This is really a life style change somewhat like following a vegetarian lifestyle or even a diabetic diet. I’ve never been one to fall for the ole snake oil in the bottle where results are only temporary. No this is not hard to follow the basics of the diet is No processed foods 80% of the time and you can cheat on garbage 20%. Leaving gluten filled products such as bread, pasta or hidden gluten in broth or soups. I make delicious meals and I rarely step in the center isles of the grocery store. You have to be creative instead of breading on chicken Parmesan you leave the flour off and prepare as usual, use organic marinara sauce and for your pasta dishes use spaghetti squash. This is also the time to experience different fruits and veggies you may have never tried before. Although paleo encourages organic veggies and fruits, tree nuts and free range farm raised meats you really have to be selective with your food choices. Once you leave processed foods behind you want miss it and will wonder why you ever ate any of these things that poison your body.
I would 100% recommend this lifestyle change for everybody. In addition dairy is not paleo, but I do use cheeses and yogurts in moderation. If you’re wondering about how you get your calcium lots of green veggies are packed full of calcium you don’t need dairy at all. Tree nuts ( not peanuts) are full of good fats but must be eaten in moderation as we’ll if you’re trying to lose weight. Good Luke to all and I’ll continue my paleo.