Releana Diet Review

Releana Diet Review


Update: Aug 12, 2019

Releana is an advanced weight loss program made for patients that are in need of dramatic weight loss. The program itself can only be achieved with a doctor’s prescription. Releana is an HCG diet, but unlike many HCG diets, there are no injections. The diet is said to be 100 percent safe and effective, as it pairs its specially formulated HCG drops with a restricted calorie diet, which in turn makes for dramatic weight loss.*

Do Dieters Lose Weight On The Releana Diet?

If a dieter is able to get a prescription for the Releana program, there is almost no way that they won’t lose weight. This will be primarily due to the fact that their daily calories will be cut to a scant 500 per day.

While this will no doubt cause dramatic short-term weight loss, long-term weight loss is a whole other matter. Because 500 calories can be a 75 percent, or more, reduction in daily calories, that means that as soon as a dieter goes back to any normal level of calories, they will likely gain back at least some of the weight they lost. If they go back to a high level of calories, then the weight loss that might have been experienced will be gone in a hurry and additional weight might even be added.*

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Is The Releana Diet Easy To Follow?

The Releana program is anything but easy to follow. Consider that even an average person takes in well over 2,000 calories each day; by only being allowed to take in a mere 500 calories in a day, there is very little doubt that hunger will be a mainstay with the Releana program. Even though HCG drops will be taken, the human body is simply not meant to live on such a low level of calories. Anyone on the Releana program can expect to fight cravings and the urge to cheat on an almost ongoing basis.

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First and foremost, Releana is only available by prescription, so the cost will likely be very high for such a program. Cost aside, there is an even bigger concern – safety. Like any other HCG program, Releana is one that pushes the envelope of safety. Many will argue that the human body needs at least 700 calories each day just to function properly. At only 500 calories per day, the body is therefore being deprived of vital calories it needs in order to work properly.

It’s kind of like putting $5 in your car’s gas tank when you know the trip you are about to take will require $10 worth of gas. The car just won’t make the trip and in the case of calories, which fuel your body, you can’t cut too many out if you expect your body to perform and make its “daily trip.”

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