Ultimate Portion Fix Review

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By CANDICE GREY ConsumersCompare.org Update: Jul 24, 2024 |
- Holistic approach to dieting
- Exercise program
- Tackles sugar addiction and emotional eating
- Can use the program with paleo, vegan, gluten-free options
- Own coach
- Tackles portion control
About the Ultimate Portion Fix
There are many problems associated with obesity and diets. Certainly, if people ate the right sized portions of the right food, they wouldn’t be overweight. The Ultimate Portion Fix does sounds appealing in some respects. According to them all would be good if only you were able to fix your portion sizes, somehow. The Ultimate Portion Fix was created by Autumn Calabreses in 2014 and offers a “breakthrough” in helping people to manage their serving sizes with her color-code portion-control containers. But there’s a bit more to the supposed diet success than picking the right sized portions. Since the diet began, Autumn says she has helped more than 300,000 people and managed over 15 groups. Autumn has added to her original diet by becoming a certified holistic coach from a top school teaching nutrition theory. Autumn developed the program when she noticed that many people overeat even the healthy foods such as salads, and some who also under – eat.
back to menu ↑How Does Ultimate Portion Fix Work?
Autumn sticks to a macro count of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. The diet is slightly lower in carbs than is recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) set forth is as follows::
- 45–65% of their calories from carbs
- 20–35% of their calories from fats
- 10–35% of their calories from proteins
That being said, the diet is neither a low carb keto diet or a low-fat diet. The Ultimate Portion Fix is Autumn’s attempt to get people eating healthy food, avoiding processed food, and eating the right amount to fuel the body correctly. The diet is a weight loss diet as once you only eat what you need, you’ll lose weight, but there is no expected weight loss. The approach is more about healthy eating, exercising, and a holistic approach to food.
Ultimate Portion Fix Sugar Detox
Another area where many dieters fall down is sugar. Why is it that for so many people, sugar still holds the magical allure of when we were kids in a sweet shop? We are hooked on the sweet taste and fat in chocolate, cakes, cookies, muffins, frostings, desserts, cheesecakes, candies, and brownies. Autumn promises to coach you through discarding sugar – and let’s face it for many of us; without a sugar addiction, we wouldn’t have a weight problem. Autumn shares her knowledge with you to get you on the right track and feed yourself for performance. Autumn can also customize her coaching even if you are gluten-free, vegan, or choose to eat a paleo diet. What Autumn sells is a holistic helping hand to sound healthy eating and exercise that we all know is backed up by science.
back to menu ↑What Do You Get with Ultimate Portion Fix Program
With the plan, you get 30 videos, a full set of color-coded containers, the program guide, a tracking app, a cookbook, and access to more than 200 cooking videos. Fancy a career change? Through the videos, you can also gain certification to become an Ultimate Fix coach and help others to lose weight. There’s also a section of workouts to choose from either for men or women. You can choose to do 100 Morning Meltdowns or an 8 week set of Barre Blend videos lasting 40 minutes a day that are built around Pilates, cardio and barre ballet. Choose Extreme Workouts, PiYo, Abs and Booty, Insanity,Body Beast, the list goes on. When you sign up to the plan you get access to over 1000 videos. Prices for the workout videos start from $160 which gives you access to daily motivation cards, a 30-day supply of Shakeology meal replacement shakes (extra cost), and “free” access to a personal coach. The Ultimate Portion Fix is extra, so you need to pay for that separately. In total it comes to about $200. It’s pretty confusing because once you have chosen a fitness program with Shakeology, you then need to choose either the UPF kit or an @2B mindset that helps you break a habit of emotional eating. It’s also confusing as to what you will be paying for on a monthly basis. You can cancel your subscription anytime, and there’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with your products. Just return the product and get a full refund.
back to menu ↑Final Verdict
I found the different parts of the program to be uber confusing. I was told to add an eating plan to my basket and then told to remove it. With the 10 rounds BOD Shakeology Challenge and an Ultimate Fix kit, my order came to over $200. So this is not a cheap option. However, this is a great product. It covers every aspect of why people overeat and how to change and lose weight. The only answer is healthy eating, portion control, dealing with sugar addiction, and tackling things like emotional eating. Autumn covers every part of obesity holistically, and the plan is suitable regardless if you have a little or a lot to lose. There are no gimmicks, subscriptions to supplements, and while it’s pricey if you can’t find an exercise video you love or sound advice as well as help from their community – I’d be surprised. Autumn has obesity covered. It’s arguably a comprehensive version of Weightwatchers or Slimming World. Granted, WW and Slimming World are more affordable. But if you fancy learning Autumn’s holistic approach to whole foods and healthy eating, then this is an excellent choice. I wouldn’t necessarily say the shakes are a good idea, but they can be a preferred option for some. You can buy without the shakes but then all of a sudden the UPF kit becomes a whole lot more expensive and the price doubles so you may as well give the shakes a go. The shakes are suitable for a quick breakfast or lunch along the way. All in all, this is a great option for people who want to turn their eating around and get fit for life. Without the shakes, you’ll be paying about $20 a month for a subscription, which is very affordable. I like their product since it’s based on such sound advice and knowledge. If you have the cash to start off, and you are serious about changing your eating and taking control rather than yet another gimmick or some miracle herb, (when we all know deep down it comes down to healthy eating and exercise), then get on board with the Ultimate Portion Fix.
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